1. intro - recap 'home' - mike
2. desert island discs + identity - mike (steve to pass on his ideas to mike to incorporate)
3. exile is losing even those things dear to us.... show video of contemporary images of exile from news footage etc. - earthquake, kosovo, schindler's list (where they leave their suitcases behind) - mark and adam to produce sequence of images
4. storytelling of exile in the bible - a combination of passages and reflections to include garden of eden, babylon, powerlessness, denial, what gets you through (story and community) etc.. - steve and jonny
5. rewrite a psalm for a contemporary psalm of exile - jonny to intro
6. video of homeless from osbd video from time of our lives - jonny to bring, mike to find appropriate tune
7. wailing wall + intercessions - anna
8. play garbage track 'milk' and lead into 'i will wait'. share bitter herbs a la passover during track.