Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

August 2000: Greenbelt

Grace ran the St Paul's labyrinth at Greenbelt. On the first day only a few people came. On the second day it went well. On the third day we had to lock the doors to control the numbers trying to get in.

This was the first time we had significant numbers of children using the labyrinth. We found that after an initial manic phase, they became deeply engaged, and often sat or lay down to pray or meditate for a long time. Parents finishing the labyrinth in the usual hour found that their children were still in the middle praying and reluctant to leave! We hadn't expected this. As on other occasions, it seemed that God was using the labyrinth to touch people in ways that we hadn't anticipated or designed.


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Children on the labyrinth. They loved dropping the stones in the water.

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