Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

April 2007: Stations of the Resurrection

april 2007 grace flyer

grace this month is a 'bring your own station of the resurrection' service. one of the sorts of service we do at grace involves walking around the worship space interacting with stations that have been set up in advance that contain something to cause you to reflect, pray, worship, think, or actively participate in a ritual. These might be as simple as lighting a candle, reading a story, writing a prayer, adding a stone to a pile, looking at a video loop, listening to a meditation, tasting some fruit or whatever. If you’ve never done this before even better – this could be the start of something...

What do I do?

Please bring a station with you on the theme of one (or more) of the resurrection appearances from the list below and/or a tune on an ipod or CD.

1. The Earthquake Matthew 28.2-4
2. Mary Magdalene finds the empty tomb John 20.1,2
3. The disciples run to the empty tomb John 20.3-8
4. The angel appears to the women Matthew 28.5-8 or Mark 16.3-8 or Luke 24.2-9
5. Jesus meets the women Matthew 28. 9,10
6. The road to Emmaus Luke 24.28-35
7. Jesus appears to the disciples Luke 24.36-42 or John 20.19,20
8. Jesus promises the Spirit Luke 24.44-49
9. Jesus commissions the disciples John 20.21-23
10. Jesus breathes the Spirit in the upper room John 20. 22.23
11. Jesus reveals himself to Thomas John 20.24-29
12. Jesus appears at the lakeside John 21. 9-13
13. Jesus confronts Peter John 21.15-19
14. Jesus and the beloved disciple John 21. 20-23
15. Jesus appears to the five hundred 1 Cor. 15.3-6
16. Jesus commissions the disciples Matthew 28: 16-20
17. The ascension Acts 1.3-11
18. Pentecost Acts 2.1-11
19. Jesus appears to Saul (Paul) Acts 9.1-18 or 1 Corinthians 15.8

for more information, if you want to bounce your idea of someone else or if you need some technical stuff (a TV or slide projector for example) then e-mail mike on

the stations were:

[please add a description of your station if you did one]

ice candle with cheryl lawrie's easter liturgy printed out and these words beneath inviting prayer -
Watch the ice melt...
Think of a situation that could do with some resurrection
Pray for the resurrection to come

phone book with 500 names circled and a letter of invitation from thomas in times of doubt to ring any of them up if you needed reassurance on the reality of the resurrection of jesus.

a computer slide sequence (QT video) of the easter art of he qi

Jesus appears to Saul (Paul)/ Road to Damascus A station based on an Examen. Starting with a challenge as to how we hurt Jesus, bright lights triggered as you approach a sign "Saul, Saul, Why do you persecute me?"

An installation inspired by This Joyful Eastertide:

Had Christ, that once was slain,
Ne'er burst his three-day prison,
Our faith had been in vain:
But now hath Christ arisen!
Jesus broke free from death to enable all people to break free from what imprisons them.
What imprisons people today? What can you do to free them?
And what imprisons you? What can you do to break free?

The installation used articles from Amnesty International on Guantánamo Bay and forced child labour, and human trafficking.


damascus road | art of looking up | alleluia


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The Ascension...

Adam strung an old pair of his shoes up (he always wears the same model of shoe to this day).

Jesus appears to 500 - a phone book with 500 names circled.

Ice candles.


The Damascus Road - as you reach the sign saying 'Saul Saul why do you persecute me?' a blinding light is triggered...

The media desk with bread and wine.

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