August 2008: Greenbelt - Lunch not required

This was a version of our November 2007 service. It was retitled 'Lunch not included' because it was at lunchtime.
The intention, as before, was to start with a parody of church exclusivity (and especially the perceived hip cliqueyness of emerging church]. So friends/members got welcomed and put in a 'VIP' area, while others were treated coldly. The opening liturgy was smug and inward-focused. This worked - a few people were deceived and left before we revealed the joke! Which was funny, but also sad that they would think that we were genuinely like that.
"in" and "out".
Go down the queue and pick people out who are 'members' of grace, that we recognize or who identify themselves as members when asked and take them out of the line and take them inside to reserved seats. Division inside tape? Rope? It is important that people fully appreciate the benefits of membership? A VIP section?
Mike to bring 'tiger tape' + print 'members only' section signs
Then come the fake welcomes. Have fake notices (using the language of alternative worship!!) and fake liturgy as before.
Liturgy / response sheets only given to those in the VIP area. The key idea is not to be particularly unwelcoming but only available to those in the know. Make this GB relevant i.e. meet at our camping area after the service etc - to make people feel that they are watching something that they're not part of. Notice about favourite font. In-joke 'Richard hasn't used comic-sans this week'
Meanwhile, stewards (also fake -- if we are going to wear fluorescent jackets for the spontaneous worship, the stewards could wear them at this point) shush the crowd, and something along the lines of "Will those who are not in, please take their seats quietly and show respect" is projected on the screen.
Some Drama! An angry scene, a dissatisfied punter, ripping up of service cards, the trashing of the VIP area.
Lights on.
Projection of ripping/smashing screen
Fluorescent jacket ripping
Sarah to choreograph
[the intervention of the venue manager was a secret extra arranged by the 'protestors' beforehand, in order to cause real consternation to the rest of the team!]
Then the circle is broken up, with the welcome liturgy.
Mark Berry prayer: Sarah + 1 to start the prayer. Focus is far away from the VIP area. A reversal. The VIPs are the least fortunate.
Ferrero Rocher
A Ferrero Rocher moment – the music, the introduction. Chocolates handed out. 'Ah Grace – you are spoiling us'
Adam to project the advert/play the music from the ad.
Include Jen's story from India here in the service as a prelude to the discussion, during the distribution of the chocolates – 'ah Grace you are spoiling us'
Group discussion
Then group discussion on what it feels like to be "in" or "out", and what makes you feel welcome or unwelcome. How did you find the start of the service?
Hospitality soundbites recorded at Greenbelt. Little video clips recorded on a phone edited back together.
Jonny's 'toilet song' and/or some other music
Some music and visuals here – Joel and Harry to come up with some beats.
Dean's gang meditation reworked.
The installations from the October service:
Dismantling a Lego brick wall
Placing items onto a dinner table.
Use paper plates, cups, wooden cutlery etc 8 items per setting? Long piece of banqueting roll
Dean to write instructions. We'll stick these to the banqueting roll.
Play music "All Tomorrow's Parties". We'll need other relevant tracks. Ma Fleur? [Venus In Furs was also played!]
Closing liturgy
At the end of the service, play "Isolation" track and give out copies of the Grace hospitality introduction, made into small booklets
Steve to write closing liturgy/response to conclude the service and explain the booklet. ("We're standing up and saying 'Hello, we're still struggling'.")
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