April 2008: Easter Day Communion

We met for communion and breakfast. During the service we created a liturgy that became the final entry in the 2008 Lent Blog.
he is risen
resurrection turns brokenness into healing and wholeness
resurrection turns war into peace
resurrection turns illness into health
resurrection turns random into meaningful
resurrection turns injustice and suffering into justice and joy
resurrection turns rejection into acceptance
resurrection turns hate and fear into love
resurrection turns incompleteness into completeness.
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen where people live on refuse heaps
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen in prisons
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen in Iraq
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen in our city
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen in Equador
we have faith to believe resurrection will happen in sink estates.
when jesus comes again people will no longer feel the need to hurt each other
when jesus comes again we won't be constrained by hips and gall stones and colitis and cancer and AIDS
when jesus comes again people will treat each other like god is in everyone
when jesus comes again we will all be alert in the morning
when jesus comes again people will know themselves as they really are, not depressed, but able to change
when jesus comes again people will look up and know god.
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