Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

October 2021: Embers

Grace October 2021 Embers flyer

A reflective service inspired by Jon Hopkins' track 'Sit around the fire'.

It feels like the past two years have left many things burned out and reduced to ashes, but among the ashes may be embers that can be nursed into flame again.

What for you feels like it has turned to ashes? Is there an ember at the core of you that you would like to fan into flame? What are the embers of Grace that we would like to fan into flame? What would you like to leave as ashes?

The centre of the space had a table with candles, and incense charcoals.

The slideshow for the service (pdf version) is here.

Mark Waddington made some embers videos that we used in the service:
embers 1
embers 2
embers 3


An explanation about the service and the track

opening prayer

we come to god as we are

damped down and depleted by the world
ashen and searching for fuel

blow on us tonight
with your holy spirit

not so hard that we flare up
only to die out quickly

but gently, so that we kindle
and warm one another
to build a hospitable fire


Sit around the fire

Play Hopkins track - just listen, no video

What is the ember for you?

Discussion with people adjacent

During the discussions, Richard lights incense charcoals in the centre.

A clearing

Poem with altered lines

Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest of your life
and wait there
until a breath on the dim embers of your life
bursts them into fragile flames
that you recognise and greet.
Only then will you know
How to give yourself
To this world
So worth of rescue

John 21 1-19

Reading and reflection

Grace embers:

Did you participate in Grace activities during lockdown?

If so what did you find useful?
What did you miss?

What would you re-ignite and develop from pre-pandemic Grace?
Engagement with the wider world


Light a candle from the embers and pray in silence.

Play 'Sit around the fire' again

with Embers video this time

Closing prayer

by Michael Leunig:

These circumstances will change.
This situation shall pass.

The cafe was self organising - people brought cakes and drinks.

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