June 2006: Spirit Labyrinth

we mowed a labyrinth in the grass at the front of st marys with a focus on pentecost. in the centre we had some oil so that you could pray for the next person to arrive to be filled with the spirit of god by anointing them with oil. we gave some simple guidelines for walking. walking intentionally and prayerfully takes a bit of getting used to. the first time you walk a labyrinth can be a bit weird. and it's good to make the most of the centre as a space for prayer/being still or whatever.
Intro/welcome - [Jonny]
Opening prayer of invocation for Holy Spirit to come – light firewok in prayer – make sure it is doused in lighter fuel so it goes up well! Sing Come Holy Spirit... [2 volunteers please?]
Story told round fire wok of coming of Spirit at pentecost - [Sarah]
Explain labyrinth journey and invite people to walk it. The centre will be a focus for asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit – there will be oil there to anoint and pray for the person who comes in to the centre after you. [Jonny]
We’ll have a card/sheet for people to look at – [Jonny has designed, Richard to print and copy]
Stories and labyrinth walking [Sarah – stories]
(During labyrinth walking which will need to be staggered, Sarah will tell short stories while people wait or when they have finished)
Final story round firewok [Sarah]
Final prayers/blessing inviting people to put incense on firewok [Volunteer please? Sue to get incense]
Tidying up – putting out fire etc - [Richard]
there are lots of photos in the gracelondon flickr group. mark has a lovely one from the top of the tower with people walking on it. jonny has created a set - one man went to mow. steve's set is here.
he has also blogged instructions on how to mow a grass labyrinth if you are interested.
this labyrinth was actually a trial run for a labyrinth we had been invited to help set up for the minet park festival with arocha in southall. this one proved harder to create (the grass was pretty scraggy) and was more complicated to mow as it was the chartres pattern.
The Ealing Gazette had an article, below, which was great, except that the person in the photo is NOT Jonny Baker!

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