October 2005: Create

Main body of church cleared of pews. Camo netting hung flat across the space just above head height. Video screens on left and right sides. Creative Stations set up around edges. [EVERYBODY from 6pm] (clips/hooks etc for hanging things on netting - Adam and Steve to bring)
Reading Genesis 1
Playback of 'Day 7' from Worshiping the creator
Explanation that we are all creative
Blank sheet of paper/first idea/shredder ritual
encourage people to think outside their box and suspend judgement. (Requires shredder, paper, pens - adam to bring)
Play time! Creative stations:
Consequences Prayers
an outline (possibly based on lords prayer) for groups of people to write prayers bit by bit (requires paper, pens, explanation)
Drawing with restrictions
eg wrong handed, with crayons, limited colours (requires paper, pens, etc etc - adam to bring)
Potato printing
potatoes, knives, paint, tarpaulin to protect floor! make shapes or print with whats made. (richard bringing tarpaulin, can volunteer bring potatoes etc)
Pipe cleaner modelling
small modelling things, pipe cleaners, foil etc - just make something (modelling stuff?)
for writers that can face the blank sheet! (typewriter, explanation - Mark)
'Punk' liturgy
ie created by cutting words out of newspapers (newspapers, glue, paper - can everyone bring newspapers)
Live camera direct onto screen
with props to create visuals (techie stuff Adam, can everyone bring some random props! anything to create 'creative' still lives from! the more random the better)
making things just because! (lego and explanation)
People encouraged to have a go, work alone or in groups, leave things unfinished or only do part of a creation. All creations hung on camo netting to create the service that people can wander in and sit under.
Finish with 'We bring gifts' Communion
(with or without communion depending on priest availability!) Leave bread and wine for people to take and time to look around the creations hanging from the netting (play Vision On/Tony hart gallery music)
Cafe afterwards
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