Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

July 1999: Recovering lost wonder

Grace 1999 May-July flyer frontGrace 1999 May-July flyer back

With guest speaker Mike Starkey [one of the co-founders of Grace]

1. WOW

Have some large pieces of paper, felt pens, paper etc. and introduce the idea of 'wonder' by asking what things make you go 'wow'. in the centre of the paper will be a 'WOW' along the lines of lichtenstein's 'wham' pop art painting. people can then write/paint etc things that make them go wow.

MIKE to lead this bit
DAVE to co-ordinate paints, paper etc
MARK and ADAM produce a video sequence of things to make you go WOW
(mark can you bring paintbrushes and paint from the service you did?)

2. What squashes the WOW?

In groups facilitate discussion of what things seem to squeeze the sense of wonder out of life. Give people a sheet of questions to guide the discussion. Then get people to write on postcards the blocks they identify. then pin these onto sponge bricks and build them into a wall to cover up the WOW montage created above.

DAVE to lead this bit and prepare the discussion sheets
JONNY to provide the bricks

3. Meditation

Lead people through a meditation on being crushed and then released


4. Talk

Talk on restoring lost wonder
Before talk Mike Rose will introduce Mike Starkey
After talk we will give opportunity for comment and questions

MIKE ROSE to introduce and field questions

5. Songs x2

'I lived in the shadows' + a.n.other

JONNY to lead

6. Story/parable

Retelling of 'Jean de Florette' and 'Manon des sources' focussing on the blocked underground spring and when it gets unblocked. Show a video sequence of the unblocking on a loop. This is obviously meant to be a parallel with removing things that block the wonder/WOW.

JENNY/JONNY to retell
MARK and ADAM to put video sequence together

7. Space to respond/pray

Some time will be given for people to reflect on wonder and give thanks and to reflect on what blocks it and pray for God to remove it. There will be a range of things people can do during this time:

  • look at photography books
  • read childrens story books
  • eat fruit
  • remove bricks from the wall to gradually uncover the WOW montage behind it
  • do sums/calculus with Mike (!!!! strange what gives some people the WOW eh?)

While this is going on, music will play and scriptures will be read out - for example verses on creatures in Job. It will finish with a final prayer.

MARK to introduce response
DAVE to bring photography books
ALL to bring childrens story books e.g. 'wonderful earth', 'narnia stories'
JONNY to get fruit
MIKE to bring sums
ANA/KEV to unearth some WOW ish scriptures/quotes


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What fills you with wonder?

Making the 'wow' banner.

Demolishing the wall that hid the 'wow'.

We borrowed a set of grey foam blocks that looked like concrete, to make a wall that hid the 'wow'. It was great fun to build and demolish - shame there is no photo of the built wall.

The anxious parents look on :-)

Mike Rose the DJ, John Holme the bass player.

Mike demonstrates his DJ skills. By this point we had two CD players and a mixer, so no more embarrassing gaps while we changed the CD!


Dave Holme explains the photographic exhibits.

The congregation eat fruit.

From left: John Holme, Dave Holme, Adam Baxter, Jonny Baker, Mike Starkey, Mike Rose, Mark Waddington. I wanted to do a similar one of all the women but they refused!

<< June: Jubilee 2000 service at Vaux | top | August: Greenbelt >>