bible intro ritual - bring bible in in procession with acolytes in robes, cense and kiss, then reading eg john 1, psalm 119 [DAVE]
'inner city life' by goldie - a moment to focus
songs: come holy spirit/dancing to a new expression
talk re pocket canons
who is the bible for? do we need to protect it? who has the right to comment? [MIKE]
tables set up in church, with coffee and donuts
on each table several versions of bible [EVERYONE to bring as many different kinds as they can]
including some pocket canons [DAVE to buy 30 of these, especially Mark, John, Song of Solomon, Genesis, 1 Corinthians]
to facilitate discussion:
on tables suggested readings - 1 Cor 13/Genesis 1/Mark 14:12-31/John 9:1-12 [re disabled]/Song of Solomon something smutty [STEVE]
also written questions re do people read the bible, if so how, why, which version, what bugs them about it eg science/OT genocide/patriarchy and sexism etc. [STEVE]
genesis 1 reading by several voices [STEVE]
[any other ideas for readings etc? eg KEV/ANA]
how the canon was fixed - piece by [STEVE/DAVE]
lord's prayer[DAVE]
final reading [revelation 22:18-19?]
then process out with bible [DAVE]
in background videos of animated bible [available in church]/jesus of nazareth/the ten commandments etc [MARK]