Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

January 2024: Ambient prayer 1

Grace January 2024 Ambient prayer 1 flyer

Ambient Prayer Introduction

This introduction is to help you know the frame or shape we have created so that you can feel confident or secure in the space rather than wondering what comes next. In some ways this is nothing new. We have done various contemplative prayer services at Grace and various silent services over the years. In Ambient Prayer we are bringing those experiences into a frame that we hope might help us to settle, to meditate, to be in God’s presence, to pray.

It is minimal. There will be ambient music which is fairly quiet, beatless and hopefully unobtrusive. This kind of music is peaceful, settling, spiritual. Then there will be space for prayer, including two guided prayer exercises.

Each time there will a printed card with an image that will feature. For example the first is the tidal pool in Margate. With the wind blowing one side of the wall is choppy and the other more still. That feels like a picture to help us move perhaps from one to the other. Use it if it’s helpful. Ignore if not.

Then on the card are the five sections in order of Ambient Prayer. They are explained below.

Then there will also be the two prayers or prayer exercises we are using.



Ambient music plays begins and plays throughout apart from the silent section. We light a candle - that may be enough for some of you - one of the oldest ways of praying is to light a candle. You are welcome to look at it as a sign of your prayer, let the flame be a stilling focus. We will then read an opening prayer and let the track play out. The idea then is you just settle. We end with a collect which we will also say together at the end of the first four sections. (It doesn’t make sense after the final section).


Each ambient prayer we’ll introduce a prayer exercise which helps us to descend into God’s presence, to centre, to let go, to be still. We carry so much noise and busyness this takes a while. Tonight’s descent prayer is breathing prayer. We’ll introduce that when we get there.


Having settled, having prayed a prayer of descent into God’s presence, we then have an extended period to introduce a second prayer exercise. This can vary as to what that might be, but most likely a form of contemplative prayer. We have picked something very simple for this first one which is using a prayer from the St Hilda Community which is on your card. This way of praying will be introduced at that point (it could equally be a Psalm or the Lord’s prayer that you also use in this way).


After the collect at the end of the previous section, a bell will ring (on a track and the ambient music will stop) and there will be space for about 10 minutes of silence. It can be noisy around - there are quite regularly voices at the side of the church so we’ll see what that is like. There is nothing to do other than be in the silence. Silence is as much a presence as an absence. Music will fade up with the bell which will end the silence and we will say the collect.


This is to help us come back out of the silence and stillness gently. There will be a quiet track of music. Then there will be a closing prayer and the track will play. We will keep the candle burning, music playing so you can remain in the space for as long as you like. In your own time make your way to the cafe.


The screen will have one image on which ideally will have both still and moving image versions. It will have the name of the section we are in so you know where we are. In total it will probably last around 45 minutes though depending on the group you could shorten or lengthen that.


We have made the cards so you can take the prayers away to repeat or use elsewhere.


Prayer is a funny thing. Sometimes you are in the zone. Sometimes it’s difficult. Be assured that everything is ok. Please keep the ambience of the space but if you are twitchy you are welcome to head to the cafe. It can be difficult to pray but praying with others can be helpful. We hope you find it so.

One thing we talked about but felt wouldn’t work in the space is learning from one another about how we have found it. We don’t know how to do that but if anyone has any bright ideas do let us know or simply share your experience with one another.

This is the first so do let us know how you find it, especially around the pace of it, and the kinds of prayer. We hope over time we will generate several ambient prayer Graces.

Set up:

  • A circle of seats
  • A candle in the centre.

On screen:

  • Single moving image
  • Names of sections fade in and out over top
  • Use still image for silent section

Movie here

Slideshow here

On cards:

  • Picture
  • Names of sections
  • Collect prayer
  • St Hilda prayer

Card here



Apple Music

Tracks are:

Woodland Hush by Hilyard
Jordilev by Snufmumriko
Glimmer by Halkftribe
20220123 by Ryuichi Sakamoto
1/2 Singing bowl (Ascension) by Jon Hopkins
Clarity by Quiet moon
301210 by Antonymes

The tracks worked as follows:

Woodland Hush



1/2 Singing bowl fading to silence


Order of service:

Arrival - music playing

Welcome - brief explanation of what will happen, give out prayer cards


lights change to darker, a candle is lit

opening prayer

turn towards god
with all of your being
throw your turbulent concerns, your anxieties and joys
into the calm and unfathomable sea of god
let them sink down until the ripples have ceased
do not look for them
or cast lines into the depths to fish for them
holy god, holy and eternal
maker and sustainer of all things
calm the storms of our hearts and minds
carry us in the ship of your love
across the reflecting sea of prayer
guided by your Son

and then let track play


all say together

We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation,
We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs
We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fibre of our being


introduce stilling prayer (breath, body awareness, centring etc) and leave people to it

Breathing prayer - Christine Sine

Breathe in the breath of God
Breathe out your cares and concerns
Breathe in the love of God
Breathe out your doubts and despairs
Breathe in the life of God
Breathe out your fears and frustrations
We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation,
We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs
We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fibre of our being
Breathe in the breath of God
Breathe out your tensions and turmoil
Breathe in the love of God
Breathe out your haste and hurry
Breathe in the life of God
Breathe out your work and worry
We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation,
We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs
We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fibre of our being


all say together


introduce contemplative prayer and leave people to it

St Hilda Community prayer

be silent
be still
alone empty
before your god
say nothing
ask nothing
be silent
be still
let your god
look upon you
that is all
she knows
she understands
she loves you with
an enormous love
she only wants to
look upon you
with her love


all say together


ring a bell and either total silence or a very quiet track
ring bell to close


all say together


play a couple of minutes

closing prayer

return clean from prayer to the world
and love it more
let calm trust in god be rooted in you
like a tree that stands secure
become shelter and healing to those around you
bear fruit
holy god, holy and eternal
maker and sustainer of all things
fill us with the strong hope of your spirit
help us plant the seeds of your love
into the broken ground of the world
watered by your Son

and let track play



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The church was very cold so we held the service in the Polygon where it was nice and warm.

We used the LED cafe lights which change colour continually.

The seating was a mix of cafe chairs and floor cushions.

<< December: Christmas labyrinth | top | February: Ambient prayer 2 >>