April 2020: Easter vigil

We could not meet in person due to the COVID-19 lockdown, so we hosted an Easter Vigil online from 10pm to midnight. There were two ways people could join in.
The first was via Zoom.
The second was to follow the hashtag #graceeastervigil2020 on Twitter or Instagram. People could also follow either @grace_london on twitter or @grace_londonw5 on Instagram as another way of doing it if they didn’t want to see anyone else’s posts with that tag.
There were four sections to the vigil – light; readings; renewing baptism vows; communion.
There were a few items to collect in preparation:
- Two nails and either some twine, or wire to tie them.
- If you have the facility for a fire in your garden, prepare that to be ready to light, but alternatively get a candle or a torchlight.
- An object - like a piece of fruit, or take a picture - or find a picture to look which represents creation.
- A tent peg or something that represents camping, even if you would not be seen dead in a tent.
- A bible or access to one on your phone.
- A candle and match.
- A bowl or glass of water.
- Bread and wine – we suggested sparkling wine if you had it to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.
2020-04 Easter Vigil: Hand washing meditation
2020-04 Easter Vigil: Communion liturgy
At midnight people were invited to tune in for the after party on Facebook where Steve Leach was DJing live from midnight to 1am with some resurrection tunes -
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