January 2014: At Home in the World

[Set up space with table and water and candle in centre - benches and beanbags surrounding.
Hang camo netting with pieces of paper, pens and pegs nearby
Loop of everyday images which was sent in via email or twitter of peoples 'everyday' or 'ordinary' setting cycled on screen during service. This has been added as an album on Facebook in the Grace page ]
Ignatian spirituality intro
(see link to file at bottom of page)
Say something about Ignatius to set scene
Conversation about what appeals about it between Jonny and Sue
Use what helps and Avoid what hinders
Write on pieces of card things that help and things that hinder prayer/relationship with God and peg on netting.
Examen done in small groups
Discuss -
For what am I most grateful
For what am I least grateful
Where did I feel most alive today
Where did I feel most drained today
Where was I most consoled
When did I feel most desolate
Imaginative prayer exercise on wedding at Cana
Reflect in small groups how experience was and what emerged
Ignatian prayer of surrender
Take Lord and receive my libertymy memory, my understanding and my will
all that I have and possess.
You Lord have given all that to me.
I now give it back to you O Lord
All of it is yours.
Dispose of it according to your will.
Give me love of yourself along with grace,
for that is enough for me.
Ritual/response - water and x marks the spot
X marks the spot -
take a card and write an x on it and place in your wallet or somewhere where you will see it from time to time. Inspired by Barbara Brown Taylor in An Altar in the World where she says that we often look elsewhere for God or fulfilment but we need to look at the spot we are standing on
Water -
Pour a drink of water
Look at it and think about a part of your life which feels parched
Imagine how you feel on a hot day longing for a drink or when you are sick and your mouth is parched
Take a sip of water
Notice how it feels on your tongue and in your throat
Sip again and imagine the water entering your body, rehydrating your skin, eyes, brain - your dry self
Continue drinking and pray for refreshment and inspiration in those parts of your life which feel parched and dreary
Blessing inspired by Ignatian spirituality:
Go and find God in all things
In the everyday and the ordinary
In the real world not in some imagined ideal spiritual world
Use what helps avoid what hinders
There is great freedom in Christ
Be flexible
Be active
Be contemplative
Be you
Be at home in the world
Anointing for everyday life
"Be you
Be at home in the world"