Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

September 2012: Re-engage

september 2012 grace flyer

setup at start of service:

centre cleared of benches
centre aisle roped off
bare bones of 'tree' in centre
[in sombre colours and adding bright colour during service]
roots are by mixing desk - made from brown paper
trunk up middle of church - made from rolls of corrugated cardboard (which is brown)
branches in centre of church - are real branches but bare - no leaves

before the actual start – gather in the Polygon

call to worship and introduction

gather around the font - for call to worship - quieting - focus/recognition of god's presence – introduction (root in Grace ethos)

the tree roots [about god]

who god is, how god nourishes us, recognition of our foundations in God - write your images and names of god on the roots
roots need watering – how are you fuelled by knowing Christ?

the tree trunk [about us] - who we are

think of 3 words about yourself that describe your character, gifts, skills – those things on the surface/visible like a trunk of a tree, but also those things at the core – like the rings of a tree, but not visible
write the words on a piece of paper, place on the tree trunk (the corrugated card can't be directly written on)

sharing with another person or in 3s – what individuals have written – a space for affirmation from others – opportunity for people to add things if others in group suggest other ideas

person leading this section could end by reflecting on how our pieces make up the body of the tree, but gaps may mean God wants to bring more people in

the branches [about growth]

what distracts us from growth/distorts growth?
pruning branches - making tree a better shape - making space for fruit and growth
write our confession on dead/deformed branches which we then cut off
questions to prompt thinking and reflection
"challenge is so many needs and it’s easy to be distracted by all the calls on our attention. We have to say no to some things and yes to what God is calling us to..."

dress remainder of branches:
what are our hopes and dreams? three kinds of shape, cut from coloured card:
bud [represents what we aspire to, the thought at the back of the mind - where you can hear god's call]
flower [represents the parts of our lives where we are beginning to work out our calling]
fruit [represents stuff already happening, that you're happy with]
pick up a bud, flower or fruit, write on it and stick on the branches

SPACE – look at other’s fruit/buds on tree, to notice:
what are we doing already
what do we want to do
what needs encouragement
what needs a little bit extra - recommitment

encouraging growth from a place of acceptance
recognizing what are you passionate about?
prayer of communal recommitment
congregation step up onto sanctuary steps to look back onto the length of the completed tree
dim the lights lighting only the tree
'this is who we are'
grace's recommitment to be a community not a service!


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Before the start.

The tree roots (about God). Write your images and names of god on the roots.

The tree trunk (about us). The corrugated card takes footprints!

The branches (about growth), covered in buds, flowers and fruit.

At the end.

Grace tech in 2012.

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