Parables 3 notes from e-mail:
The service will be 'topped and tailed' by Mike leading some worship. The main part of the service will be loosely based on 'speed-story telling'. Groups will congregate around 6 tables (more if we have to double some up) and experience parables told/discussed/explored for 8 – 10 minutes (we'll fix the time on the night). After the allotted time the gong will sound and in a Mike Reid Runaround style groups will move to a different table.
If all goes well we'll have 6 rotations so everyone gets everything but we'll be responsive to mood.
We'll set up the parable tables in the large polygon room with some chilled muzak in the backgound. Café set up as usual. Do we have drinks available during as well as after?
Order of service:
Welcome and introductory worship – Mike
Explanation of the service – Jen
6 parable tables + facilitators:
- Good Samaritan – fill in the blanks - Mark facilitator, Ben/Mike to prepare
- David and Bathsheba – Rebecca 'Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury'
- Why did Jesus use parables? Matthew 13 - Jen
- Tales from peoples lives – M&Ms - Adam
- Film + response – Ben 'Hudsucker Proxy' + 'Life is Sweet'
- 'Nicholas of Cusa' or Unforgiving servant – Jackie
Parable of the sower – prayers Mike