July 2009: All the pieces matter

The first part of the evening was a barbecue - this had to be eaten indoors due to heavy rain. We then went into the church itself for a short eucharistic service, and then ate dessert.
We used the table covered with broken pieces of tile that we had made in Wounded in all the right places. See the flyer image above.
Grace, mercy and peace
from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
and also with you.
matthew 18:23-35 - the parable of the unforgiving servant
- What do you find difficult about this person? What rankles? What consistently annoys? Why you find them a regular burden?
- Why do they have that effect on you? Does it remind you of a shortcoming you have yourself? Have you ever been guilty of something similar? Is there another reason? Do they remind you of someone else?
- Think of how God views that person. Can you let go of those little silver coins in your hand, and by grace, feel a tiny sliver of the gracious adoration that God feels for them?
Lord, forgive us.
Forgive us and help us.
the peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.
The eucharist liturgy is here.