Ritual of welcome
When people arrive for the worship make them welcome. Have some people at the door to shake their hand, take their coat and perhaps offer them a cup of tea/coffee or other appropriate drink.
Welcome + Opening sentences
Welcome to the communion service. The service follows a simple liturgy around the theme of hospitality.
God the Creator is a gracious, abundant and generous host
You are invited to be guests at God's table
Make yourself at home
God is here
You are welcome
Introductory Meditation:
Listen to the words of Jesus:
'Who needs a doctor? The healthy or the sick? ... I'm here to invite outsiders not coddle insiders'
'The wretched of the earth learn that God is on their side'
'Are you tired? worn out? burned out on religion? come to me....'
(Mt 9, Mt 11, Mt 11)
And the words of Paul:
'You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here'
(Eph 2)
Opening prayer
Gracious God
You have shared with us the gift of Creation
Open our hearts to receive you here
Jesus Friend of Sinners
You have shared with us the gift of your Incarnation
Open our hearts to receive you here
Spirit of God
You have shared with us the gift of life
Open our hearts to receive you here
Praise: TBD
Track: 'We will receive you now'
- Rebecca
Readings TBD
Read a suitable passage from the scriptures on the theme of hospitality. The meditations Guest and Host could also be used.
The Eucharist
Prayer of thanksgiving
Creator God thank you that you are a gracious, abundant and generous host. But thank you that you became the guest of humanity. The heavenly host, the creator, became the guest of the animals in the stable, the villagers of Nazareth, the religious leaders in the temple, the prostitutes, drunkards, tax collectors. You let us play host, became one of us, dined at our table. You ate the same bread, drank the same wine - everybody having a good time. You shared stories, shared our story. When you left the table, you left bread and wine to remember you by...
Holy holy holy Lord
Holy holy holy Lord
God of power and might
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna in the highest
Your death on the cross has enabled us to be guests at God's table. Grant that by the power of the Holy Spirit these gifts of bread and wine may be for us his body and blood who on the night he was betrayed took bread, gave you thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples saying 'take eat, this is my body which is given for you'. After supper he took the cup, gave you thanks, and said to them: 'this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of me'
Christ has died Christ has risen
Christ has died Christ has risen
Christ will come again
Christ will come again
The table of Jesus is your place of gathering
Here you are welcomed, wanted, loved
Here there is a place set for you
So come all you who thirst,
All you who hunger for the bread of life
All you whose souls cry out for healing
Come all you who are weary
All you who are bowed down with worry
All you who ache with the tiredness of living
Come all you poor
All you who are without food or refuge
All you who go hungry in a fat land
Come all you who are lost
All you who search for meaning but cannot find it
All you who have no place of belonging
Jesus invites you
Draw near with faith
Receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ which he gave for you and his blood which he shed for you. Eat and drink in remembrance that Christ died for you and feed on him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving.
Share bread and wine
Ritual of parting
Have a visitor's book and invite people to write their comments or a prayer to God the Host before they leave.
The blessing of God, Host of creation,
The blessing of Christ, Guest of humanity
The blessing of the Holy Spirit, Source of communion
Be with you all.
As you have received the gift of hospitality, go now
Share your life, your table and your home with others in God¹s name, Amen.