this combined elements of our february 98 lent service, about noise and journeying into the desert, with elements of our july 98 'life' service - postcards, the bittersweet ritual.
1. intro/welcome
2. song
3. noise meditation
[track 'inner city life' by goldie + oscilloscope + traffic video]
here we are in the midst of greenbelt on a saturday night
and it's noisy
we thought we were coming to the countryside
but all around us is the noise of a city here for a weekend
noise is unwanted sound
what's music in the dance tent is noise over here
but noise isn't just about sound
it's about information
noise is whatever drowns out or conceals meaningful information
our lives are full of noise
too much information
too many messages that don't add up to any coherent whole
all competing for our attention
and the noise on the outside
makes its way inside us
seeping into our minds and hearts
until we don't know any more which voice inside us is our
society and the media have moved in
and each of us is lost in our own inner city.
god is pushing through the crowd
searching the amusement arcades
department stores and burger bars inside us
for a face that only he will recognise
the face of our true selves
he knows we need to get away
to leave the city and be alone with him
so that he can teach us how to recognise ourselves
next time we're lost in the crowds of unknowing
4. meditation
journey into the desert
5. song: 'calm me o lord'
[from the grace CD]
6. introductory thoughts on life
when we get away, chance to step back and reflect on life
7. postcards
did jesus experience these? (anger/road rage/sexual desire etc etc)
8. story
pleasure and pain
9. bittersweet ritual
lemon and honey + tracks 'bittersweet symphony' by the verve + 'easter song' by a man called adam