so-called because it was the last communion service at greenbelt 98 and, if the festival had not continued, would have been the last greenbelt service ever!
1. intro/welcome
2. song
3. the table
thoughts on leonardo image of last supper and our contemporary interpretations (people at GB having meals/mcdonalds/etc)
4. invitation
all are welcome - isaiah 55.....
5. song
6. small groups
7. food
eat in groups and share memories - about christ (remember me) and greenbelt (it's the last one in its current format) - the storytelling could be facilitated by a couple of stories from the front
8. confession
handwashing after meal, confession and absolution + track forgiven
9. cup and bread
(after supper he took the cup......) - words of institution and sharing bread and wine in groups
10. songs
11. prayer for future of gb
and everyone going back to home situations
12. song
13. blessing and incense
burn some incense and give everyone a few grains to take away to offer up on fires around GB or at home as ongoing prayer
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Planning session. |
The venue is the Epicentre Arts Cafe. The stage TVs are part of the venue, the stacked TVs belong to Grace. |
People sharing stories in small groups. |
Cigars in the tent after the service. |