Grace - fresh vital worship since 1993

Newsfeed archive 2022-23

Barbecue / Saturday 8th July

On Saturday we are having our annual barbecue at St. Mary's Ealing. And the weather forecast is excellent (for the time being)! It would be great to see you - please bring something to drink and something for the barbecue.

Wolf Fields / Saturday 10th June

The next Grace is at Wolf Fields in Southall. We helped design and create an outdoor labyrinth for the nature reserve there. So it seems a good idea to make the most of it and visit occasionally! So note once again Grace will not be at St Mary’s and is not at the usual time. Here’s what you need to know:

We will gather at Wolf Fields, Southall at 5pm. In part this is so that children and families can join in. There will be a fire, a big area to explore, an outdoor labyrinth to walk and tea and refreshments. We will run through until about 7pm. If you have not been there before it is not the park, it is the nature reserve which you access by going down a path to the left of the pub. Ring Jonny on 07957639393 if you get lost.

Then afterwards for anyone interested we will head to get a curry in Southall. It would be good to know numbers for that so please let us know if you are planning to come to that. We’d love to see you there.

Prospect Wood / Saturday 13th May

The next Grace is in Prospect Wood (in Sussex) on Saturday May 13th. It will run for the whole day rather than the usual evening. If you would like to come please email us a.s.a.p. so we can give you more info and organise lift shares and so on. All welcome but please don’t leave it until the last minute. The email is

Easter vigil / Saturday 8th April

Grace falls on Holy Saturday so this month’s Grace is an Easter Vigil. We’ll be beginning with the cafe open at 9:30pm and then Grace will begin at 10pm mixing the traditional fire lighting, candle procession and readings with Grace’s own take and flavour on proceedings. Hope to see you there.

Lent blogs 2003-2008

The Lent blogs 2003-2008 are back in the archive. It only took nine years to do it!

Some of the images haven't made it back. Size and resolution have moved on a bit in 15 years.

Praying with a lump in our throat / Saturday 11th March

March Grace will be an evening that is prayer focused - praying with a lump in our throat - as we pray for and with those at the edges. We'd love you to join us. Cafe afterwards.

Open Table / Saturday 11th February

Join us for Grace where there will as ever be an open table.

We have always been inspired by Christ’s welcome of all around the table, especially those at the fringes. We will be gathering to continue that practice, and remember him.

You are of course welcome!

Labyrinth / Saturday 14th January

Join us for Grace0123 to walk a labyrinth - Saturday 14 January 8pm at St Mary’s Ealing.

A quiet reflective space for prayer and meditation with a soundscape of ambient music. Cafe afterwards.

Advent Grace TV / Saturday 10th December

If it's hard to see where God is in current events, and hard to feel hope for the future, imagine what it was like to hear nothing from God for four centuries. Centuries full of empires and atrocities, with only the long-unfulfilled words from the past to feed faith.

And then something happened (so small that hardly anyone noticed at the time).

Join us for a quiet reflective service on how that long Advent sheds light for today. Café afterwards as usual.

An Honorable Harvest / Saturday 12th November

Hello everyone

How can we hold, feel and respond to everything coming at us right now? We’ve just about got through a pandemic but now feel involved in every disaster, act of political insanity, injustice, and sadness happening across the planet 24/7.

Let’s try and make some sense of this together at Grace on Saturday 12th November. 8pm at St Mary’s, W5.

Alice In Wonderland Eucharist / Saturday 8th October

The next Grace will be led by Tina Hodgett and Kathryn Marson. They have crafted a rather delightful and playful liturgy fusing Holy Communion and Alice In Wonderland. It was created for the Holy Rumpus in the South West of England for a gathering of pioneers. Intrigued? Come along and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. It will be relaxed, gathered around the table followed by a cafe. Everyone is welcome. And of course do feel free to dress accordingly if you would like to!

On The Threshold / Saturday 10th September

Grace is back for another year (our new year is always September!). Do come and join us for some fresh vital worship, based around a poem by David Benjamin Blower. It will be a chance to reconnect to God and to one another - God knows we need both in the world we are in right now. There will be a cafe afterwards. We’d love to see you there.

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