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Eucharist liturgy from The Prophet's Story Episode 2

Confession and Absolution

Listen to the words of the prophet Hosea:

The trader calls out to the Lord his God,
but in his hands are dishonest scales,
and in all he does he loves to oppress.
He calls out, "Aha! I have become very rich
and no one can prove that I gained it by sin."

And this is what the Lord replies:

"I see all that you have done.
Return to me, the Lord your God,
hold fast to love and justice,
and wait continually for your God."

We are people who are eager to do well, but slow to do good.
Let us return to the Lord our God;
In your mercy, Lord, forgive us.

We are people who are eager to save time, but slow to give time.
Let us return to the Lord our God;
In your mercy, Lord, forgive us.

We are people who are eager to improve our lives, but slow to improve our world.
Let us return to the Lord our God;
In your mercy, Lord, forgive us.

And still the world trades with dishonest scales.
Let us return to the Lord our God;
In your mercy, Lord, forgive us.

Hold fast to love and justice.
God forgives you,
Forgive yourselves,
Forgive others.

Communion Prayer

We come to remember the life and death of Jesus Christ
And we will not forget the life of all your children
We receive the promise of liberation in Jesus Christ
And we will promote freedom and justice for all God"s people
We recall his life of protest, praise and love
And offer you our lives for uniting, not dividing, your world

May we not betray you
May we not betray them
Nor forget you
Nor forget them
Nor ignore you
Nor ignore them

At this holy feast where earth meets heaven
This holy place where there is room for all
We come with empty hands and open hearts
To share with people unseen from across your world
With people unseen from past and future
We meet at your crossroad of time and space

Come, Holy Spirit, be present in this bread and wine
so that it may be to us Christ's body and blood
Revive us with life
Infuse us with love

At this holy feast where earth meets heaven
The table of Jesus where there is room for all
He whom the universe could not contain
Is present to us in this bread

(the bread is broken)

He who redeemed us and called us by name
Now meets us in this cup

(the wine is poured)

So take this bread and this wine
In them God comes to us
So that we may come to God

[Sharing of bread and wine]

Prayer after communion

Almighty God, we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ.

Through him we offer you our souls and bodies, our time and energy, our protest and praise our willingness to lose our own lives if that will bring your kingdom of mercy on earth

Send us out infected with your Holy Spirit of love
Inspired to change history for your praise and glory


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